Plan your overall strategy
The more you focus on a concise message and quality content, the more important it is to plan your overall strategy ahead and to set your overall tone. The following questions cover important considerations:
- Who are you writing to?
- What are your searchers' intent(s)?
- How do you plan to serve those intents aka create value for your audience?
- What are topics you'd like to write about?
- How often will you be able to create new content?
- How do you plan to market your content to spread the message most effectively?
- Are there any events, shows, conferences or latest developments that you would like to explore in your articles?
These questions are best addressed in an editorial calendar. Here you can jot down topics, determine when you are going to publish which content where, and organize your research to maintain a steady stream of new content for your blog.
There are many very elaborate editorial calendars out there, some of them costly, some of them free. Rebecca Livermore wrote an interesting blog about setting up Google Docs as your editorial calendar. I personally use a spreadsheet and the Apple Calendar of my MacBook to organize my content.